Crosswinds Blocks – Post Type Search Filters Blocks

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The post type search filters are a group of blocks that allow you to create a search and filters section for your projects.

The search filters block is the container block that you’ll need to use. You’ll be able to choose what post type is searched for when a user hits the submit button. You’ll add the other filter blocks inside of this one.

The search taxonomy block allows you to display a dropdown of terms from a chosen taxonomy for a user to select from.

The search form block allows someone to enter in search terms to search the chosen post type for.

And the search filters buttons block allows you to display the search and clear/reset buttons for the section.

How to use these blocks

You first want to add the search filters block to the page.

From here you can use any inner blocks you want inside of the main block. For example, if you want a horizontal search area, you can add the columns block and then add the other search filters blocks in each column.

Next, make sure that you select a post type that’s searched for when a user uses this search form. Or you can leave it blank to search for all post types.

After that, you can add in any of the other search filters blocks to build out the section. You can use as many taxonomy blocks as you want so long as the taxonomies are for the chosen post type.

Also, make sure that you add in the search filters buttons block to the section so that a user can hit the search button or reset button.

And now you’ve got a great search filters section to help people find the content they’re looking for on your website.
