Crosswinds Blocks — Related Posts Block

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The Related Posts Block allows you to display a number of related posts so that a reader can continue to read more of your block posts. It’s a great way to increase the amount of time someone spends on your website.


  • Number of columns – The number of columns to show in the related posts section.
  • Number of posts – The number of posts to show in the section.

How to use this block

It’s highly recommended that you use this block inside the single post template. You can add in the block, adjust the number of columns and number of posts to show and then customize how the posts look just like you would with the query loop block.

Using the block for different post types

The related posts block can be used for any post type you want. To do that, first go to the Crosswinds Blocks/Framework settings page and look for the “Related Posts” settings. Here you can set the taxonomy that’s used to search for related posts for every post type on your site.

Then go to the site editor and add the related posts block to each of the single templates for each post type. Now the related posts should show for all of your post types.
