The Crosswinds Framework comes with a number of elements patterns that you can use to create larger sections (and they are actually used by other patterns to create larger sections, like the features/services sections, testimonials, etc.).
- Features – You can use these to create a features or services section to highlight the features of your products or services that you offer. You will need to have The Icon Block activated to show the icon. You can also add a link at the bottom if you want.
- Pricing Table Column – There are multiple options for the pricing table columns. You can center or left align the text. And you can have the button towards the top or at the bottom of the column. Depending on what you’re doing to sell products or services on your website, you’ll need to edit or remove the button.
- Stat – You can use this to display a stat about your business. It can be either horizontal or vertical.
- Team Member – You can use this to display a team member. This can include their position, social media links and a button to contact them. It can either be vertical for columns or horizontal.
- Testimonials – You can use this to display a single testimonial. There are options for where the stars, quote and person’s name and position are placed within the testimonial.