How to Install and Use the Crosswinds Blocks Plugin

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  3. How to Install and Use the Crosswinds Blocks Plugin

Getting started with Crosswinds Blocks is pretty simple. You’ll be up and running with it on your website in just a few minutes after following these instructions.

  • Download the plugin ZIP file from the releases page on GitHub.
  • Upload the plugin to your WordPress website through Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin.
  • Activate Crosswinds Blocks.
  • Go to the Crosswinds Blocks settings page (Crosswinds -> Blocks) and enable the blocks you want to use on your website.
  • You can also enable the custom post types and custom taxonomies you want to use on your website as well.
  • If you’re going to use the Google Maps block, you’ll need to make sure you add your Maps API key in the settings as well.

The plugin is now active on your website and you can start adding cool blocks to your website.
