Product: Local Services

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  • Creating a Blog Page with Local Services

    Local Services makes it easy to create a dedicated blog page on your website. To get started, create a new page. From here, you can use the page pattern modal that appears to find the blog page pattern that you want to add to the page. The patterns allow you to select from a grid…

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  • Local Services Text and Media Patterns

    Local Services comes with several text and media sections that you can use throughout a page to highlight certain things and add the pop of images. Each pattern comes with a text section that has a heading, text and a button that you can use to link off to another section or page. Around that…

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  • Local Services Services Patterns

    Local Services comes with many different patterns that you can use to display the services you offer your clients. You can find these pre-made patterns inside the “Services” category when adding a pattern to your page. The services patterns are created from service element patterns, which are found in the “Elements” category of the pattern…

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  • Local Services Projects Patterns

    Local Services comes with a set of patterns that allow you to highlight your best projects that you want to showcase for prospective clients. Each pattern comes with an area for a subheading, heading, a paragraph or two of text and a button that you can use to create a link to your main portfolio…

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  • Local Services Photo Grid Patterns

    Local Services comes with several different photo grids you can use throughout your pages to give them a little bit more pop. Adding them is super easy. All you have to do is find the one that you like, add it to the page and then replace the default images with your own. And don’t…

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  • Local Services Patterns

    Local Services comes with a number of different patterns you can use to build amazing pages for your website. A lot of those patterns either come directly from the Crosswinds Framework main theme or are slight variations on those patterns (primarily with different colors used for variations of each pattern). You can learn more about…

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  • Local Services Frequently Asked Questions Patterns

    Local Services comes with a couple of frequently asked questions patterns that you can use to give your visitors more information. The FAQs patterns use the accordions block from Crosswinds Blocks. Once you insert an FAQ pattern, you can change the title and body text for each accordion section. If you add a new accordion…

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  • Local Services Blog Posts Section Patterns

    Local Services Blog Posts Section Patterns comes with several different blog posts section patterns you can use for your pages, especially your homepage. Most of the patterns simply show your latest posts and will be updated when you publish a new post. A couple of patterns have a specific featured post alongside the latest posts….

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