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Leave a Review

Good, bad or indifferent, here’s where you can leave your review of a Crosswinds Framework product for the world to see. All reviews will be checked to make sure it’s something you purchased before being posted to the website. Please just make sure that you’re respectful with your review. Profanity will not be allowed. Thank you and have a great day!

Please use the email you used to purchase the product. Thank you!
Please choose a rating for your review. 5 is great and 0 is terrible. Thank you!
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Report an Issue

Are you experiencing an issue with one of the Crosswinds Framework products? Don’t worry, and don’t panic! You can report the problem using the form below.

Please be sure to be as descriptive as possible and provide links and screenshots to make debugging the problem easier. Thank you!

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 1 MB.
    Upload any screenshots you have of the problem to help me understand what’s going on.
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    Request a New Feature

    Have an idea for a feature that you would like to see in one of the Crosswinds Framework products? Awesome! You can submit it using the form below. I can’t guarantee that it will be included in the next version, but I do look at every request that comes in, and if I start to get repeated requests from multiple people, it’s more likely that it will get added. Thank you and have a great day!

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