Crosswind Blocks 1.2, Crosswinds Framework 1.1 and updated versions of all of the child themes are now available for download, purchasing and updating.
This latest update brings a number of great changes to the Crosswinds Framework ecosystem, including a new settings screen, an onboarding wizard for those using the Crosswinds Blocks plugin and any Crosswinds Framework theme to help you get started on your website, updated patterns, support for WordPress 6.5 and so much more.
So let’s take a deep dive into what’s all included in the latest release of the Crosswinds Framework!
Get Started Even Quicker with the New Onboarding Wizard
The biggest new feature of this release is the new Onboarding Wizard which will help users get started creating their websites.
Building off of the amazing work Mike McAllister and Patrick Posner did with the Ollie Onboarding Wizard, the Crosswinds Framework Onboarding Wizard goes even further in helping users set up their websites.

In addition to adding in basic settings like color palette, site title, site tagline and site logo, users will also be able to install any required and suggested plugins, import an entire demo site, create a homepage, about page, contact and team page, choose your header and footer to start with and so much more.
By the time you complete the Onboarding Wizard, you’ll be well on your way to creating a perfect website without having to jump from dashboard page to dashboard page. It’s WordPress website creation made easy!
New Settings Screens
Another new feature is the new settings screen for the Crosswind Blocks plugin (and all Crosswinds Framework themes if you have the Blocks plugin activated).

The settings screen has been rebuilt using React and designed in a way to match the upcoming new WordPress admin designs that should be rolling out within the next two years.

It’s also designed to make it a one-stop shop for anything you need related to the Crosswinds Framework. From the settings for the plugin and the theme you’re using, to checking out the latest Crosswinds Framework resources to viewing documentation for all of the Crosswinds Framework products you’re using to the new Onboarding Wizard, you’ll be able to see it all right from this one screen.
It’s a nice, smooth screen that will help you set up and create the best website possible.

Updates to the Themes
This release also sees an update to each of the Crosswinds Framework themes as well.
In addition to adding support for the new Onboarding Wizard, each theme now comes with new font choices that you can choose from for your website. There are also more gradual gradient options for you to choose from as well to add more pop to your pages.
Also, the padding for features, services, card and other similar elements has been upped for better spacing and design. And all patterns have been looked over and small adjustments made.
Finally, the base theme has new backgrounds for some patterns, and themes that support WooCommerce and/or Easy Digital Downloads have been updated to support changes that have been made to those plugins.
What’s Next?
So now that the latest versions of the Crosswinds Framework, Crosswinds Blocks and all of the child themes are released, what’s next?
Well next up will be a focus on creating a couple of new themes, including a newspaper/magazine theme, a content creator theme, a podcast theme and more. And there will likely be related add on plugins for those themes as well.
And I’m also going to be focusing on a pro version of the Crosswind Blocks plugin with more advanced blocks, more design options and more.
Finally, of course, there will be theme and plugin improvements, including making the overall experience better for you, the end user.
In the meantime, if there’s anything you would like to see included in a future release, please let me know through the Feature Request form. I don’t make any promises, but I will do my best to add your ideas to the Crosswinds Framework!
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